Spotted puppy wearing a brown sweater with white stripes on a yellow background.
A fluffy white dog with a brown plaid bandana against an orange background.
Goldendoodle wearing a red bandana with a pink background.

What’s the Secret to Taking a Great Photograph?

The secret to capturing a great photograph, especially when working with animals, is experience. While there are effective techniques to help animals stay still, look at the camera, or react in certain ways, there’s always an element of luck involved. The perfect moment may be unpredictable, but a skilled photographer knows how to make the most of every opportunity!

What Questions Might You Ask a Client When Starting a New Photography Project?

To ensure a smooth photography session, I ask clients a few key questions. "Have you had professional photos taken before?" helps me understand their comfort level with the process and guides me in creating the perfect photos that will be meaningful to them. Knowing their budget, expectations, and how they plan to use the photos is also important in customizing the experience to meet their needs.

What Do You Love Most About Your Photography Job?

I’m passionate about capturing the unique personalities of animals and creating photos that bring joy and comfort to my clients. Nothing beats the feeling of knowing that my photographs will become lasting memories—especially for pet owners who cherish their animals. I love that my work provides clients with images that preserve precious moments and can offer comfort for years to come.

What Inspired You to Start Your Own Photography Business?

My inspiration comes from both the renowned photographer William Wegman and my lifelong love for animals. Having owned many dogs, I understand how important it is to preserve the memories of our pets through photography. These cherished photographs help keep the spirit of their personality alive long after they’re gone. It’s a perfect fit for me to combine my love for animals with my passion for photography.

Why Should Clients Choose You for Their Photography Needs?

Photography is a form of art, and the connection between a photographer’s style and their client is crucial. My approach to pet photography is focused on capturing the quirky, funny, and unique aspects of your pet’s personality—something beyond the standard posed shots. Ultimately, my goal is to provide you with a meaningful memory of your pet and the special bond you share with them.

How Much Does Pet Photography Cost?

The cost of a professional pet photo session varies depending on the project. While I’d love to offer a one-size-fits-all price, the truth is it depends on the scope of the session. On average, a custom photo shoot lasts 1-2 hours, with several additional hours of editing to perfect each image. The cost reflects not just the time and effort involved but also the investment in professional camera gear, lighting, and equipment—most photographers spend at least $10,000 on their gear to ensure high-quality results.

Some photographers charge a “sitting fee” of $100-$500, plus additional costs per image. I prefer to offer a single, upfront price based on the details of your project, which makes the process more straightforward and transparent. My priority is ensuring that every client feels they’ve received great value for their investment. While photography is my passion, it’s not a “get rich quick” profession—most photographers do this work because they love it!